We put jesus first. (matthew 6:33)
Jesus is first in everything we do.
We are the church, not spectators of church. (Matthew 16:18; ezekiel 33:31-32)
The church is more about a movement of people, than a meeting place for people.
We do all we can to reach people who don’t know God. (1 Cor. 9:19- 23)
All people matter to God’s people. Jesus died for the world and He wants everyone in the world to know Him.
We serve with passionate humility. (Matthew 20:28)
Serving others is a privilege that we don’t take lightly. If you're too big to serve, then you are too small to lead. We are never too big to serve.
We were created for community and nothing is more fun than doing life with the people you love. Friendship is often the paved highway by which life change occurs.
We mOVE IN unity. (John 17:23)
Movement in the same direction is vital for a church to reach its God-given purpose. The result of a unified church is a blessed church.
we always do our best. (colossians 3:23; Luke 16:10)
Jesus gave us His best, so giving our best is the only option.
We are people of action. (matthew 9:36)
Real compassion shows action.
We live to give. (romans 12:1; john 3:16; acts 20:35)
Generosity cannot be separated from Christianity. God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son, and that requires giving a life of generosity.
We choose faith over fear. (joshua 1:9)
Obedience to God commands a response of brave faith.